Chile’s Villarica volcano erupts: These images show the raw power of mother nature



One of South America’s most active volcanos erupted early Tuesday in southern Chile, spewing heavy smoke into the air as lava surged down its slopes, prompting authorities to evacuate thousands of people.

Chile Volcano Eruption

The 9,000 foot (2,847-meter) volcano in Chile’s central valley, 400 miles (670 kilometers) south of Santiago, sits above the small city of Pucon, which has a population of about 22,000 people.
Chile Volcano Eruption

The Villarica has a crater of about 200 meters (yards) in diameter and a lake of lava about 150 meters (yards) deep.


It has periodic eruptions every 10 or 15 years.


Chile has more than 2,000 volcanoes in the Andes cordillera and about 90 of them remain active.


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